No More Bets

Found 429 sentences matching phrase 'no more bets'.Found in 42 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. Found 429 sentences matching phrase 'no more bets'.Found in 42 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. More bets on Trump, but bigger bets on Biden. Stock market investors aren't the only speculators trying to profit off the U.S. Tuesday's vote is a major event for the gambling community.

No More Bets In French

Around 70% of the UK population will gamble this year, encouraged by huge amounts of advertising and new ways to bet, like phone apps. For those that develop a dependency on gambling, it can have a terrible impact on their life and not just theirs. Each gambling addiction will effect on average 10 other people. This ‘Ripple Effect’ harms mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, causes unmanageable debt, triggers cross addiction and crime. Yet the lack of support services and social stigma attached to gambling addiction, means that only around 10% of gambling dependent people get the help and treatment they need.
Betknowmore UK provides support and education services to address problem gambling and addiction. We believe much more needs to be done to help individuals and communities, achieved by raising awareness, increased education and more support services.
Betknowmore UK works with a range of stakeholders, from both the voluntary and commercial sectors. We believe that to build capacity and provide more services within the gambling support sector, partnership building and co-production of services are vital components of our business and service strategies.