In this classic game of heads or tails, kids play against each other and the screen to see who can guess the most correct answers! In each round, kids choose heads or tails by putting their hands on their heads or their “tails” while the coin on the screen spins. Instant online coin toss. Just flip a coin online! Except that in this online casino game, players have the chance of winning impressive cash prizes. If you are looking for a simple game, this can be the one; however, it can also transform into a more exciting game with additional betting options. The rules of Heads or Tails are straightforward and the game is simple to play.
Heads or Tailsis a perfect revenue boost for events where your audience is seated. However, it can be adapted to fit most gatherings. We recommend playing it towards the beginning of your program after the introductions, but before the main event; e.g. live auction or speaker. This gets people off their feet and energized for your feature event.
You will need to sell chances or entry to play. As in a raffle you can sell to guests as they check-in, as they mingle or at their seats. You can give them something like a gold star, sticker, rubber bracelet or stamp their hand to identify they have paid to participate. Having something other guests can see is better so they question “how did they get or why” they have the star or rubber bracelet which will also help in selling more chances.
Once everyone that wants to play has paid, the fun can begin. Your emcee or presenter will ask that all Heads & Tails participants stand and ask them to choose either “heads” (shown by putting their hands on their head) or “tails” (shown by putting their hands on their rear ends). The emcee will then toss the coin calling out the result, “Heads” or “Tails”. Those whose hands are placed to match side of the coin tossed, remain standing. All others must sit and have been eliminated. The presenter will again repeat the instructions on placing their hands on their heads or their tails and will flip the coin again. This is done until you have one remaining guest standing who will be deemed the winner. Even with a large crowd, this process does not take more than a few minutes and about 6-7 tosses. A smaller crowd will go even quicker. It is interactive and a lot of fun for the guests, goes fast and can raise additional funds for your organization. You may want to offer two rounds if you have two nice prizes.
At a recent event, in the middle of a spirited game of Heads or Tails, we had guests offering dollar amounts 4-5 times the entry fee to get back into the game. They were waving cash in the air. What a fabulous opportunity we were offered. We certainly did not want to upset any of the guests still standing and in the game, but also did not want to dismiss this opportunity to raise more funds for this group. Because we had not mentioned a buy-back in option upfront when selling chances to play, we quickly took a poll of those guests still in the game. Fortunately, they were very supportive of this organization and were happy to help raise more revenue for their cause. By allowing guests to buy-back in at 4 times the rate at about the half way mark, an additional $1,000 was raised. Further, we received rave reviews from this interactive game. Guests said they loved being part of the program and getting out of their seats and routing for their friends and table mates.
From this profitable and positive experience, we wanted to offer some details on how to offer a buy-back option for you to consider in your planning.
Know your audience and review your event set up to determine what options will work best for your group.
The purpose of your event is to raise funds, this is a painless way of boosting your bottom line and will only take a few minutes of your time. Don’t miss opportunities to boost your revenue at an event. Remember, everyone is there to support your organization or cause and won’t be adverse about opening their wallets and purses again.